In light of recent events, many companies are asking their employees to self-quarantine. Whether it is mandatory or not, many people believe that this is the best decision. However, if you are stuck in the house, there are a few things that you can do to avoid cabin fever. Here is a list of ways to keep safe and busy during these troubling times.

Bring a New Meaning to Netflix and Chill
Streaming services such as Hulu, and Disney+ have become more popular over the past few years. If you haven’t yet, now is the perfect time to take advantage of these services. If you are stuck at home, explore these services as they can keep you busy for hours.

Get Crafty
Arts and crafts are not only a great way to pass the time but they can become a fun and useful tool when it comes to home improvement. Learning to paint, is not only a therapeutic exercise, but it can also be incredibly handy when upgrading your home. You’d be surprised how a fresh coat of paint could bring life to an otherwise dull piece of furniture.
Read a Book
Though reading is fundamental many of us simply can not find the time. Use this opportunity to cuddle up with that old book you’ve always planned on reading.

Exercising is a great way to relieve stress. It is good for the body and can minimize anxiety. Yoga is a form of meditation that will not only improve your flexibility but teach you patience and build strong muscles.
Make a Vision Board
It may not appear that way right now, but you won’t be stuck in the house forever. Keeping a healthy outlook on the future is a great way to say positive and plan for whatever comes next.
Build Closer Relationships
Whether its writing letters, chatting online or calling someone on the phone this time can be used to strengthen relationships. Reach out to your friends and family during these trying times.
Finding the time to clean your house or apartment not only feels good, but it can improve your health as well. Keeping a clean home can also give you peace of mind and relieve stress.
Stay In Doors
Amidst this global fear, many people are concerned about their health. Though it is smart to take healthy precautions, it is also important to remain calm and treat others with respect. Enjoy each other’s company and use this time to strengthen your relationships.